10/26(日) 19:30〜 Reading Words
The next meeting of this group will be on Sunday, October 26th. at common cafe from 19:30-22:00pm.
Reading Words is a writing group formed some time ago to provide a platform for aspiring writers to air their work.
It has an International membership, and all are welcome, we need listeners as well as writer/readers.
This month’s challenge is FLASHBACK
(Flashback (of a person’s thoughts or mind) Briefly and suddenly recall a previous time or incident)
If this challenge interests you, then start writing! We want to hear from you.
You can write in any language, poetry or prose, translations can be made. Fear not.
If you would like more information or help then contact me, Charlotte, at
We are a friendly group, looking to expand our membership,
so come along and join us, read or just listen.
Bring along any unwanted books, CDs or DVDs for the BOOK SWOP.
flashback ( of a person’s thoughts or mind) – briefly and suddenly recall a previous time or incident. (OED) .
Flashback – beloved of film makers, writers, and BBC7 sound dramas.
Who could forget the ‘flashback’ scene in Hitchcock’s film ‘Marnie’ where we learn late on in the film’s narrative, what happened on that fatal night, or the tour de force that is the flashback narrated in voice over by the corpse in the swimming pool, in the opening scene of Sunset Boulevard. Powerful stuff, and original. My own personal favourite.
Unlike memory recall, a conscious effort to remember something, flashbacks arrive unbidden and often at inappropriate times, bringing crystal clear images that trigger a range of emotions. Like it or not we all get ‘em.
The Challenge this month then is to arrive at the meeting with a piece of prose or poems, fact or fiction, that uses ‘flashback’ to propel us backwards in time